Novinky 2006

Overview of the main adjustments made on this site.

Date News
15. 10. 2006 Page moved to a new server hosting.
I hope that it will be a significant improvement in server availability.
5. 10. 2006 I launched my friends web Laura's diary
23. 9. 2006 Printing support in CSS.
1. 9. 2006 Inserted photo albums to a page about the author.
29. 7. 2006 Implemented template system into this site. Enables easier site administration, troubleshooting, implementing new features and so on.
9. 7. 2006 It was released a new version 1.3.02 of typing with all ten.
17. 6. 2006 Debugged some bugs on the Web + minor content upgrade. Changed the background to black.
1. 5. 2006 Modified appearance (footer of the document).
17. 4. 2006 Modified appearance (document head, colors, menus).
19. 3. 2006 Pages about programming in Python were transferred to CSS and PHP.
18. 3. 2006 Pages about programming in C/C++ have been translated into CSS and PHP, as well as about PostgreSQL.
Message Bug report
Created: 1. 1. 2006
Last Modified: 15. 10. 2006
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