Novinky 2013

Overview of the main adjustments made on this site.

Date News
24. 12. 2013 As a Christmas gift, I prepared for you updates of PostgreSQL series, which will also be extended to MySQL, SQLite and Oracle! From now on I will add a new chapter every week until the entire series to date.
13. 7. 2013 I updated and enhanced articles about linux console.
23. 6. 2013 I updated and enhanced firt 4 chapters about programming in Linux.
24. 5. 2013 I updated pages abouto typing with all ten (only a page layout, not the program);
22. 5. 2013 I updated and enhanced pages about Python. I switch from version 2.1 to 2.7 and 3.3 :-).
I improved color schemes - mouse over the images displays them in full color (otherwise they are unreadable).
I added a form for reporting errors (bug report).
29. 4. 2013 I published a new website design. I have not updated the section on Linux, Python, PostgreSQL, C/C++ and typing all ten yet (all important pages :D)
Part of the updates are color design switches and english support.
Most of the pages with the new design has been updated to its content also.
28. 4. 2013 I finished page about Game AI (I added a chapter 7 and applet SimpleSoccer).
21. 4. 2013 I updated and added a lot of new programs in section about programs and renamed it to the Best of.
6. 4. 2013 I finished unfinished pages about DOS (which I started to do 3 years ago :o) into readable form.
4. 4. 2013 I added page with graduate work.
9. 2. 2013 I started working at the transfer of this site to Nette Frameworku.
Message Bug report
Created: 1. 1. 2013
Last Modified: 24. 12. 2013
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