Novinky 2014

Overview of the main adjustments made on this site.

Date News
4. 12. 2014 A new version of psani-profi (version 3.4.00) was released.
11. 11. 2014 After 4 years, new version of psani-profi (version 3.3.00) was released. Psaní Lives! :-)
4. 11. 2014 A new version of znamky (version 5.01) was released. (In connection with lessons about programming with ncurses).
10. 10. 2014 I created a page with a list of images, videos and animations.
10. 10. 2014 I finished the third part of series about programming in Linux (Internet).
16. 9. 2014 I finished the second part of series about programming in Linux (Useful functions).
23. 8. 2014 I finished the first part of series about programming in Linux (Linux tools).
10. 8. 2014 I finished updating the series about C language, and am on articles about programming. I also fixed some bugs in source codes to Game AI.
14. 4. 2014 I finised updating the series about PostgreSQL, which includes also MySQL, SQLite and Oracle now. Ideal articles for understanding SQL! A few new chapters were added.

Some chapters are available after registration. If you will be so kind, you can send a donation. The donation is not necessary for access to the content - at least not now :-).

Message Bug report
Created: 1. 1. 2014
Last Modified: 4. 12. 2014
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