How to set up Visual Studio 2010 (Express Edition)

There is a short how-to compile original C++ source codes of the book Programming Game AI by Example.


  1. Download, compile and install boost.
  2. Download, compile and install lua 5.1.3 (you dont need to do this until chapter 6).
    Newer lua version did not work!
    Add lua dll file(s) to C:\Windows\System32\ directory.
  3. Download and unzip original source code.
  4. Open project in Visual Studio 2010 and let it convert to newer version.
  5. Include directories as is shown on the pictures below.

Include directories

Open project properties dialog and add include and library directories for both Debug and Release configurations …

Add both boost include and library directories.
VC++ directories

Add Linker General Additional Library Directories.
(You don't need to add lua directory until chapter 6, the other you need.)
Additional library directories

Add additional include directories.
(You don't need to add lua directory until chapter 6, the other you need.)
Additional include directories

Repair sourece

There was a bug in the source code, which I had to repair, before I was able to compile the project successfully.
Unfortunatelly I do not remember what It was. Just see the errors after your first compile try, find the row which cause it and repair it (it was not so hard o do it).


Message Bug report
Created: 26. 10. 2012
Last Modified: 28. 4. 2013
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