Novinky 2003

Overview of the main adjustments made on this site.

Date News
26. 11. 2003 I added a form for sending e-mail (see FAQ & Mail) and work on the creation of pages about programming in C language.
Program psani-profi was slightly updated.
3. 11. 2003 A little changes were made in frames. I added "Web" link to page for browsing internet insicde Sally.
1. 11. 2003 Entirely new homepage was created using frames..
15. 10. 2003 Added homepage (becasuse of advertising). I continue in createing php counter.
10. 10. 2003 I have change email addres (to and I start with php scripts.
Pages about software (for example freeware) were slightly updated. I work on pages about C language.
7. 10. 2003 This site was moved from Multiweb to More space will allow more information :-).
28. 9. 2003 Last updates failed a bit, so the logo was finally added now, I repaired Python homepage and added more articles about the C language.
14. 9. 2003 I added new logo [logomin]. Other minor changes of the design were done.
Changes were made about teaching and added lessons in the C language tutorial.
29. 8. 2003 Evaluation due to compatibility issues have been canceled.
Added new chapters about the C language.
4. 8. 2003 Moved "evaluation" on another page. Added information about classes and the first chapters about the C language.
1. 7. 2003 Design layout of all pages was unified. I added several programs into the program list in the Linux installation section. I added rating on the home page and some links and "registred user" of Linux.
17. 6. 2003 I have created pages about freeware an shareware.
24. 5. 2003 I have done minor adjustments and bug fixes in articles about PostgreSQL and Python.
17. 5. 2003 Finally, I updated my photogallery.
8. 5. 2003 I created apges about School projects, where my school creations will be added.
I have addeded a bonus to the article about PostgreSQL - calendar.
14. 4. 2003 On the home page has been added subscription form into
12. 4. 2003 I have fixed erroneous characters '&' in files Linux -> Commands
4. 4. 2003 The homepage was enhanced.
28. 3. 2003 Emacs.htm document was created (section sally / linux / commands). Slight modifications in the files section sally / linux / commands were done. I have finished page psql5a.htm (section sally / PostgreSQL / Something for advanced / Creating objects).
27. 3. 2003 I moved this site from to
26. 3. 2003 This page about news was created and a new mailbox was created.
Message Bug report
Created: 1. 1. 2003
Last Modified: 26. 11. 2003
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