Novinky 2015

Overview of the main adjustments made on this site.

Date News
30. 11. 2015 I have launched a new design. It's more responsive, faster and better looking.
10. 10. 2015 I have written a new chapter in the SQL tutorial about materialised views.
24. 9. 2015 In preparation for the new design I've updated series about Postgres, corrected many typos and added a few iformations.
3. 9. 2015 In preparation for the new design I've updated series about Python, corrected many typos and added a few iformations.
28. 8. 2015 I am preparing a new design. Signed users can see it (on some pages) already!
20. 3. 2015 I have updated Nette to version 2.3.0.
If some website doesn't work, please let me know!
Message Bug report
Created: 1. 1. 2015
Last Modified: 30. 11. 2015
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